You are Wonder Woman
You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Wonder Woman 80%
Superman 60%
Supergirl 60%
Robin 50%
Batman 40%
The Flash 40%
Catwoman 40%
Spider-Man 20%
Green Lantern 20%
Hulk 0%
Iron Man 0%
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Your tits arent big enough for a fabby outfit like that-mine or Lornas now they would look fabtabluous in it!
P.s where can I find out which Super hero I am ?
your in no way a super hero!!! Although if their was one who was made of tea you would win! although you would proablby drink yourself out of existence! doesnt work. I will be the Roly Poly Superhero until futher notice.
Used link (that does work from Lornas blog)I am mightly upset that we are the same... Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman 90%
Supergirl 60%
Spider-Man 55%
Superman 50%
The Flash 50%
Robin 45%
Green Lantern 40%
Catwoman 40%
Iron Man 30%
Hulk 25%
Batman 15%
Bh - Youre more Wonder Woman than I am. Must be my lack of breastage that accounts for the 10% I am missing...
*that is supposed to be "Bah" not just "bh"
I'll always be 10% more of a woman than you are
Thats because your breasts are 10% bigger than mine.
*goes to get boob job*
oki - 70% bigger...
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