Saturday, March 17, 2007

On Strike

Charlotte Scott-King. How can you whinge at me for not commenting on your blog when you do not bother to comment on mine?

I've left loads of comments and you haven't bothered at all. Humph.

I am therefore on comment strike on your blog until our unions have sit down discussions to resolve these issues. They will probably need weeks of meetings and a hell of a lot of tea and cakes before they can hash out a policy of mutual commenting that we both agree with.



Anonymous said...

Well once both sides have decided on a mutual day to meet and discuss their options I shall step down from my position-I have to demote myself and downgrade myself.
Until our meeting begins with copious amounts of tea, cakes, scones and yummyness then I shall remain demoted and note invite your good self to a fun night out.

Lorna's Ark said...

i am commenting pease see my blog and comment on the yumminess!!!

Lorna's Ark said...


woot said...

Writing comment does not constitute commenting...