Monday, April 09, 2007

I don't Like Your Girlfriend

This song kinda sums up what my life is at the moment but as it's not really gonna last long enough to become anything it's not so much of a bother.

At least i'm not quite the bitch that the black haired girl is!

Enjoy the vid.

P. xxx


Anonymous said...

Shes married-she can't sing about wanting to be someones girlfriend

Lorna's Ark said...

cool tune I now have it as my ringtone!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sad I know!!

Lorna's Ark said...


woot said...

So you can only sing about things that apply to you in that way. Does that mean i couldn't sing about being in love? It's a very close minded point of view really...

Anonymous said...

Even before you said it, I've been using this song with my feelings towards a certain someone, so I know how you feel! Although I dont like the idea that one day a girl like Avril might do something like that to me... what if we all convert into these boyfriend stealers? Ahh!

Ok I'm going to shut up. Am in a very strange mood.

(this is Deppy, who cannot even remember what her google account password or email is - forgotten again.)

woot said...

You think that is strange you should see that rant above about wanking council. What the fuck was I going on about?

Nice to hear from you doll!!!