Thursday, May 07, 2009

Just to Prove Matt Wrong

I am blogging! 2 days in a row - it is unheard of!

Just a quickie though.

My highly supportive fella decided that, upon hearing I am trying to become healthier, he needed (not wanted, actually phyisically needed) an Indian takeaway...

Bloody bastard.

But despite he best efforts I was still within my calorific allowances! Tada! Mostly because I had (luckily) eaten nothing but melon and pineapple all day...

Wednesday 7th May
Calories: 1317 (Perfect!!!)
Fruit/ Veg: 6 (Fabulous)
Exercise: Moderate (ok)

So as you can see I am still a saint! Well mebbe not a saint as the lions share was highly unhealthy (but oh soooooo good) Jalfrezi. And even then it was the Naan bread which was the worst culprit, mebbe should stick to pilau rice in future...

I am away this weekend which should be fun. Sister in Law's birthday so we are taking a limo to London baby! I have never been in a limo before. I have already been told that I have to flash from the sunroof but this is highly unlikely. Especially at the beginning of the evening. More likely towards the end of the night whe we are being drunkenly delivered home... Though I should be enough of a Lady now to not do such such silly things. Also I am to old.

Service station food and vast quantities of drinks should all add up to a huge lard mountain. 55 calories per shot of vodka. And I really like vodka. Especially in doubles.


Matt said...

wow! i very nearly fell off my chair in surprise :P

you say you're too much of a Lady and too old, but i bet you do it anyway :P

woot said...

*grin* probably!