Thursday, February 16, 2006

Thank fuck thats over...

Not that I'm bitter but I have never even been dating a guy on Valentines day...

This year did I get cards? Chocolates? Flowers? A telephone call from someone saying that they love and miss me while I am half a world away?


I got a valentines text bloody message!

From a guy I don't even like who is a bit weird and creepy. Just like the rest of the guys I've dated really. I will, however, exclude Alex from that grouping as he reads my blog...

But seriously, when did the world lose the ability to converse properly (says the woman writing to no-one in particular on an anonymous blog)?

I have a friend who sends me messages that have to be deciphered before I have a clue what she is wittering on about!

It is getting very silly.

Back to Valentines Day. I have a nice little poem for you all to share my exact feeling on the subject. I hope you all had a nice day with loved ones, be they family, friends or canine companion. My dog loved Valentines as I used to make her heart shaped doggie treats.

This may be why I was never dating...

Roses are red and thorny
Violets are blue as is depression
Sugar is sweet but causes diabetes
And you will annoy me eventually, so go away.


Lorna's Ark said...

well what can I say my husband didnt even get me a card! so it doesnt matter even if you have someone babes!

woot said...

Ok, but to be fair he was probably traumatised by finding out that your baby is the product of our lesbian affair as discovered after it was born with red hair...