Saturday, December 24, 2005

I really should update my blog...

But, you see, I really haven't done anything very interesting. And I am sure that you do not want to hear about my joyous escapes on the sydney trains as they also have been quite quiet recently.

Oh yes! No more random men asking me to go sailing with them (I'm pretty sure he wanted to throw me over board and feed me to the sharks), no more strange men on buses asking me if I wished to tour Austrlia in a van.

I think it must be the slightly scary book I am reading. No, not the new Stephen King one, but The Collective Poems of Lord Byron.

Note to all who get bothered on public transport. Intellectual books put the weirdo's off!

One problem.

I have no idea what he is going on about! It's all complicated and stuff (please note that the last book I read was Harry Potter, which was fantastic).

Ok, it isn't really that bad, I do know whats going on but I do have to read each verse two or three times before it really sinks in.

Good poemy type things though. Byron also manages to insult a lot of the other poets from the time, which is quite funny as they are also considered classics now.

So, if I manage to finish this book, I will either start reading the 7th Harry Potter book (as no doubt it will be out by then!) or something much simpler like the Complete Works of Shakespere...

I am supposed to be going swimming with Dolphins tomorrow so you will either get a nice interesting entry complete with photo's or you will never hear from me again. If it is the latter then you can safely assume that I got in to the wrong tank and was eaten by sharks...


Lorna's Ark said...

get in the wrong tank please!!! It'll be funny like ace venturea!

woot said...

Except that i will be eaten, i wont manage to escape and end up in a party making jokes about how noone should use the bathroom for 20 minutes...